Prayer Table Update

Brothers and Sisters,

I'm delighted to give an update on our prayer table outreach ministry. Through the summer, our dedicated prayer table team has shown up weekly, on Wednesdays, to pray for our neighbors and to show hospitality. 

Each week, the team sets up the prayer table outside of the church. The team offers refreshments and prayer to those who who walk by the church. In addition, some members of the team take pastries to those who work in neighborhood businesses, blessing them with food and taking prayer requests. 

It seems that the impact of the prayer table in the community increases each week. This week, some of our team members met a neighbor who has been studying another religion, but is interested in returning to the Lord. Our team was able to provide him with refreshments and pray with him.

That's only one example of how this ministry is impacting the community. Please pray for the prayer table, that this ministry would bring glory to the Lord Jesus and would be a blessing to our neighbors. Please consider joining us on Wednesdays if you're available. 

Our church's mission is to know God, and to make him known. It's our prayer that we will be faithful to our mission.

Rev. Caleb Evans


A Table Called Mercy


Mark 10: 17-31: The Fulfillment of Being Human